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Lee Restaurant: 497 Richmond St W, Toronto, ON M5V 1Y3, Canada Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024 @ 6:00PM - 9:00PM (EDT)

Join us in Toronto for an evening of drinks and snacks where we’ll explore the key business trends highlighted in our Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI) 2024 report.

  • Get exclusive GBCI 2024 insights from our experts
  • Discover the least and most complex jurisdictions for global expansion
  • Understand the regulatory, accounting, tax and HR challenges of operating in different countries
  • Make informed decisions when entering new markets

GBCI 2024 Networking Event – Toronto

Book your place now – join us in Toronto for an opportunity to network with peers and explore the trends impacting global expansion.

Expand your business efficiently across borders

Get in touch to find out how we can help your organisation grow in a complex world.

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